Wedding Photography Vlad G Wedding Photography Vlad G

Sedinta foto Trash the dress in Poiana Marului - Rux si Mircea

In octombrie 2021, am facut o sedinta foto trash the dress cu Rux si Mircea, a caror nunta o fotografiasem cu o luna si ceva mai devreme. Vorbisem de la inceput cu ei despre o sedinta foto trash the dress, dupa nunta, iar odata ajunsi in luna octombrie am zis sa profitam de toate culorile incredibile din natura si am decis sa facem sedinta foto la munte. Ce locatie mai buna pentru asta decat Poiana Marului, putin mai sus de Zarnesti si la 20 si ceva de kilometri de Brasov […]

Fotografie de nunta poiana Marului Brasov

In octombrie 2021, am facut o sedinta foto trash the dress cu Rux si Mircea, a caror nunta o fotografiasem cu o luna si ceva mai devreme. Nunta respectiva poate fi vazuta aici: Nunta de poveste la Treehouse Cosoba in the Woods.

Vorbisem de la inceput cu ei despre o sedinta foto trash the dress, dupa nunta, iar odata ajunsi in luna octombrie am zis sa profitam de toate culorile incredibile din natura si am decis sa facem sedinta foto la munte. Ce locatie mai buna pentru asta decat Poiana Marului, putin mai sus de Zarnesti si la 20 si ceva de kilometri de Brasov.

Am vrut sa acoperim cateva locatii diferite, iar optiunile din care puteam alege nu au fost deloc putine. Insa cum am vrut sa fotografiez spre sfarsitul zilei cand lumina este mult mai frumoasa, fiind sfarsit de octombrie, soarele apunea destul de devreme, deci nu am avut timp decat pentru 3 locuri in care sa fotografiem. Insa fiecare loc a fost atat de frumos incat nici nu am simtit ca aveam nevoie de mai mult.


Sedinta foto trash the dress in Poiana Marului Brasov

Am inceput sedinta foto trash the dress in Poiana Marului, mai exact in padurea adiacenta drumului forestier care urca de pe drumul principal de la iesirea din Zarnesti, sus in Poiana Tudorului. Solul era in intregime acoperit de frunze aramii, iar copacii pe jumatate scuturati lasau razele soarelui sa se strecoare printre ei, creand o lumina aurie si o atmosfera de poveste.


Fotografie de nunta Plaiul foii Brasov

Dupa ce am terminat prima parte din sedinta foto in Poiana Marului, am plecat spre Plaiul foii, insa pe drum am facut un mic popas langa o ferma unde am vazut cativa cai si ponei care mancau pe o pajiste si am zis ca e o oportunitate foarte buna de a mai obtine cateva cadre spectaculoase cu animalele si cu apusul.


Sedinta foto Trash the dress Plaiul foii brasov

Dupa ce am terminat de sacait calutii de mai devreme cu pozele noastre, am decis sa terminam sedinta foto trash the dress in Plaiul Foii, care ofera un peisaj superb, prin mijlocul padurii, cu Piatra Craiului in fundal, vizibila printre copaci.


Fotograf de nunta Brasov

Daca esti in cautare de un fotograf de nunta in Brasov sau imprejurimi si iti doresti pe cineva care face fotografie documentara de nunta, axata pe instantanee si pe cele mai frumoase momente din ziua nuntii, mi-ar placea sa ne cunoastem. Imi poti scrie folosind butonul de mai jos.

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Wedding Photography Vlad G Wedding Photography Vlad G

Nunta la Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods - Rux si Mircea

In Septembrie 2021 am fost alaturi de Rux si Mircea, care si-au facut nunta la Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods.In the Woods este cea mai noua locatie deschisa la Treehouse Cosoba, pusa in functiune cu foarte putin timp inainte de nunta lor, si face parte din top locatii de nunta in aer liber langa Bucuresti. E o locatie de nunta minunata in natura, in mijlocul padurii, cu un restaurant semi-deschis, tip hambar, cu o structura cu barne din lemn si un tavan foarte inalt, decorat cu luminite. Daca iti doresti o nunta rustica, in aer liber, Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods e o locatie de nunta perfecta […]


Fotografie de nunta la Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods

In Septembrie 2021 am fost alaturi de Rux si Mircea, care si-au facut nunta la Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods.

In the Woods este cea mai noua locatie deschisa la Treehouse Cosoba, pusa in functiune cu foarte putin timp inainte de nunta lor, si face parte din top locatii de nunta in aer liber langa Bucuresti. E o locatie de nunta minunata in natura, in mijlocul padurii, cu un restaurant semi-deschis, tip hambar, cu o structura cu barne din lemn si un tavan foarte inalt, decorat cu luminite. Daca iti doresti o nunta rustica, in aer liber, Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods e o locatie de nunta perfecta pentru asta.


Fotograf documentar de nunta Bucuresti

Pentru aceasta nunta l-am avut ca ajutor si second shooter pe Andrei Plesnila ( vezi Instagramul lui aici ). Ziua a inceput cu pregatirile, Rux si Mircea s-au pregatit fie care la casa parintilor lor. Eu am stat cu Rux, ca sa acopar pregatirea miresei, in timp ce Andrei s-a dus acasa la Mircea sa documenteze pregatirea lui.
Cum abordez un stil de fotografie de nunta documentara, am ales ca in timpul pregatirilor sa stau cat mai in spate, si sa documentez pregatirea lui Rux si interactiunea dintre ea si domnisoarele de onoare, fara sa ma amestec sau sa le dau indicatii. In acest fel am reusit sa surprind momente naturale si reactii reale.


Fotograf de nunta la Treehouse Cosoba in the Woods

Dupa pregatiri, am pornit cu totii spre locatia de la Treehouse Cosoba in the Woods. Odata ajunsi acolo, Rux si Mircea si-au primit invitatii, apoi s-au pregatit pentru ceremonia religioasa. Cei doi au optat pentru o ceremonie religioasa in aer liber, care a iesit superb, datorita locatiei de la Treehouse In the Woods, dar si datorita corului care a cantat foarte frumos, creand o atmosfera minunata.


Sedinta foto de nunta la Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods

Dupa ceremonia religioasa in aer liber, i-am luat pe Rux si Mircea deoparte pentru o sedinta foto de nunta la apus. Din cauza agitatiei si a lipsei de timp, am fost nevoiti sa impartim sedinta foto in doua mini sesiuni de cate 5-10 minute fiecare, dar ne-am adaptat, iar ce a iesit puteti vedea mai jos. O sedinta foto de nunta superba in padure la Treehouse Cosoba in the Woods, in care Rux si Mircea au stralucit si nu s-au sfiit in a-si arata afectiunea unul fata de celalalt. Eu personal iubesc sa fac fotografie de nunta la apus, si mi-a placut extrem de mult cum soarele trecea printre frunzele copacilor, creand tot felul de pattern-uri cu care te poti juca cand faci fotografie de nunta si cu care poti deveni foarte creativ.


Nunta la Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods

Dupa sedinta foto de nunta in padure, toata lumea s-a asezat la mese in asteptarea primului dans. Rux si Mircea au avut o coregrafie foarte frumoasa pe melodia Never Enough de la Loren Allred, iar dupa un dans emotionant alaturi de Mircea, Rux a dansat si cu tatal ei, Cristian Bivolaru. Apoi toata lumea s-a ridicat si s-a alaturat mirilor si nasilor pe ringul de dans, dand astfel startul unei petreceri in toata regula. Petrecerea a avut de toate, de la un band foarte energic, pana la momente artistice cu dansatori profesionisti si spre sfarsit chiar si un moment surpriza organizat de Rux impreuna cu fratele ei, dar si cu cavalerii si domnisoarele de onoare, care au cantat impreuna.


Daca esti in cautare de un fotograf profesionist de nunta in Bucuresti si iti doresti sa iti faci si tu nunta la Treehouse Cosoba In the Woods, atunci ma poti contacta folosind butonul de mai jos, pentru a discuta mai multe.

De asemenea, la mine pe Blog poti vedea si alte nunti pe care le-am fotografiat la Treehouse Cosoba, cum ar fi aceasta Nunta in natura la Treehouse Forest Cosoba. Sau intr-o alta locatie tot a celor de la Treehouse, aceasta Nunta la Treehouse Garden Lunguletu.

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Wedding Photography Vlad G Wedding Photography Vlad G

Nunta in natura la Treehouse Cosoba - Alina si Horia

Alina si Horia si-au dorit sa faca o nunta in natura la Treehouse Forest Cosoba si de asemenea si-au dorit un fotograf de nunta din Bucuresti, care sa faca o fotografie de nunta in stil documentar, care pune accent pe cele mai frumoase momente din ziua nuntii, fara a se amesteca in desfasurarea lor […]


Fotografie de nunta in aer liber la Treehouse Cosoba

Pe Alina si Horia i-am cunoscut online, cu cateva luni inainte de nunta lor. M-au gasit pe Google si le-a placut ce au vazut in Portofoliul meu, asa ca am organizat un apel video intr-o seara, dat fiind faptul ca ei la momentul respectiv traiau in Irlanda. Dupa aproximativ o ora de vorbit cu ei, am ramas cu un gust foarte placut. Mi-a placut foarte tare de ei de la inceput si mi-a placut mult si ce mi-au povestit despre eveniment. Si-au dorit sa faca o nunta in natura la Treehouse Forest Cosoba si de asemenea si-au dorit un fotograf de nunta din Bucuresti, care sa faca o fotografie de nunta in stil documentar, care pune accent pe cele mai frumoase momente din ziua nuntii, fara a se amesteca in desfasurarea lor.

Treehouse Forest Cosoba face parte din top locatii de nunta in aer liber langa Bucuresti, fiind o locatie superba de nunta in natura, care beneficiaza de padure, unde se pot face sedinte foto de nunta de poveste, o zona verde, o parte unde se pot tine ceremonii in aer liber, chiar si o piscina care poate fi folosita pentru nunti cu petrecere la piscina (cum ar fi aceasta nunta pe care am fotografiat-o intr-o alta locatie de nunta minunata a celor de la Treehouse, si anume Treehouse Lunguletu - vezi nunta Irinei si a lui Vlad cu petrecere la piscina la Treehouse Garden Lunguletu aici).


Cand am ajuns la locatie, Alina si Horia repetau dansul mirilor asa ca fara sa stau prea mult, mi-am scos echipamentul si am inceput sa fotografiez. Am fost impresionat de la inceput de chimia lor si de cat de naturali sunt unul cu altul. Dupa ce au terminat m-am dus sa fac cunostiinta si sa vorbesc putin cu ei si mi-au confirmat parerea pe care mi-o formasem despre ei dupa ce am vorbit prima data si anume ca sunt niste oameni extrem de prietenosi si de calzi. Si am fost placut surprins sa vad cat de relaxati erau amandoi in legatura cu nunta, ceea ce deobicei nu prea se intampla, multi miri din pacate stau mai mult stresati pentru ca isi doresc ca totul sa iasa perfect, uitand astfel sa se bucure de ziua respectiva, care pana la urma, mai intai de orice altceva, este despre ei.

Fotografie de Nunta in natura Treehouse Forest Cosoba

Alina si Horia au optat pentru o ceremonie de nunta umanista, intr-un cadru natural superb, la marginea padurii. A fost o placere sa fotografiez ceremonia lor, care a avut de toate - emotii, rasete, lacrimi, si o gramada de cuvinte frumoase din partea prietenilor lor, a familiei si a oamenilor dragi lor care au fost acolo.


Fotograf de nunta Treehouse Forest

Dupa ceremonie, i-am luat pe Alina si Horia pentru sedinta foto de nunta la Treehouse Cosoba. Cum se intampla deobicei, nu am avut prea mult timp, asa ca a trebuit sa ne limitam la 15-20 minute pentru sedinta foto. Am decis sa facem o sedinta foto de nunta in padure si pe zona verde din fata terasei, iar ce a iesit puteti vedea mai jos. Sincer, asta a fost una din cele mai frumoase sedinte foto de nunta pe care le-am facut pana acum, locatia a fost minunata, lumina perfecta pentru o sedinta foto in mijlocul naturii, iar Alina si Horia au fost extrem de naturali in fata camerei si a fost o placere sa lucrez cu ei, impreuna reusind sa cream o fotografie de nunta romantica si naturala, intr-un cadru de poveste la Treehouse Forest.


Nunta Rock and roll la treehouse Cosoba

Dupa un dans al mirilor emotionant, petrecerea Alinei si a lui Horia a fost ceva ce sincer sper sa mai experimentez si la nunti viitoare si anume o petrecere cu muzica predominant Rock. O nunta rock and roll in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, unde toata lumea a dansat si s-a simtit bine, chiar si in lipsa unui playlist traditional de nunta.


Daca iti place fotografia de nunta romantica si naturala, esti in cautare de un fotograf de nunta la Treehouse Forest Cosoba si iti place ce ai vazut aici, atunci…

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Wedding Photography Vlad G Wedding Photography Vlad G

Nunta in aer liber la Lagoo Snagov - Letitia si Radu

In August 2021, am fost alaturi de Letitia si Radu care au ales sa aiba o nunta in aer liber in Snagov, intr-o locatie superba in natura, pe marginea lacului. Pregatirile au avut loc la Country Spa Snagov, urmate de restul evenimentului si anume cununia religioasa si petrecerea (epica!), la restaurant Lagoo Snagov […]


Fotografie de nunta Country Spa Snagov

In August 2021, am fost alaturi de Letitia si Radu care au ales sa aiba o nunta in aer liber in Snagov, intr-o locatie superba in natura, pe marginea lacului. Pregatirile au avut loc la Country Spa Snagov, urmate de restul evenimentului si anume cununia religioasa si petrecerea (epica!), la restaurant Lagoo Snagov.

Ziua a inceput cu pregatirile, la Country Spa Snagov, unde Letitia si Radu s-au si vazut pentru prima data in ziua respectiva. Alaturi de ei au fost nasii si cativa membrii apropiati ai familiei. Pregatirile au decurs intr-o maniera foarte intima si linistita, iar zambetele Letitiei si a lui Radu, in momentul in care s-au vazut pentru prima data au luminat intreaga camera.
Apropo de lumina, personal mi-a placut foarte mult lumina din camera de hotel de la Country Spa in care cei doi s-au pregatit, foarte favorabila stilului meu de fotografie documentara de nunta. In timpul pregatirilor am incercat sa ma implic cat mai putin posibil, in principal stand in spate si observand ce se intampla, cautand sa surprind emotii si momente naturale.

Sedinta foto de nunta Country Spa Snagov

Dupa pregatiri am iesit afara in curte pentru o sedinta foto de nunta la Country Spa Snagov. Pentru aproximativ 20 minute, am tras cateva cadre cu Letitia si Radu, care, la fel ca majoritatea oamenilor cu care lucrez si cu care fac cate o sedinta foto in ziua nuntii, sau o sedinta foto de cuplu, nu se simt neaparat foarte confortabil sa fie in fata camerei. Insa ca si fotograf de nunta, datoria mea este sa ajut cuplurile cu care lucrez sa isi depaseasca emotiile si sa fie cat mai naturali in interactiunile lor din timpul sedintei foto de nunta, pentru ca atunci o sa iasa si cele mai bune fotografii. Ca urmare, incerc intotdeauna sa ii indemn pe miri sa fie cat mai naturali unul cu altul si sa comunice asa cum o fac in mod normal. Rezultatul este o sesiune foto relaxata si fotografii de nunta romantice, toate obtinute intr-un cadru intim si natural.


Fotografie de nunta in natura - Lagoo Snagov

Odata ajunsi la Lagoo Snagov, Letitia si Radu si-au primit invitatii, au stat putin de vorba apoi toata lumea a iesit afara din restaurant, in spate, pe pajiste, pentru coremonia religioasa. A fost o zi superba pentru fotografie de nunta in natura, iar conditiile de la Lagoo Snagov perfecte pentru orice fotograf de nunta. A fost o ceremonie religioasa in aer liber, foarte frumoasa. Desi a fost foarte cald, toata lumea a rezistat eroic, in special mirii. Dupa ceremonie, invitatii s-au impartit, unii au intrat inauntru in restaurat, la aer conditionat, altii au ramas la vorbe afara la umbra, timp in care Letitia si Radu s-au dus sa se pregateasca pentru dansul mirilor. Intre timp a venit si band-ul, despre care nu pot sa va spun decat ca a fost excelent, probabil cel mai bun band pe care l-am vazut la o nunta pana acum.


fotograf de nunta Lagoo Snagov

Dupa un dans al mirilor emotionant, in care Letitia si Radu au adus-o pe ringul de dans si pe fetita lor, a inceput petrecerea. Band-ul a dat drumul la un setul lor si dupa cum spuneam, Trupa LOV mi s-a parut fantastica. Au avut un set ales perfect, energie o gramada si au facut o atmosfera foarte misto. Toata lumea a dansat si s-a simtit super, iar petrecerea a tinut pana dupa miezul noptii.


Le multumesc din suflet Letitiei si lui Radu ca au avut incredere in mine cu amintirile lor si ca m-au ales ca Fotograf de nunta si ma bucur enorm ca am putut fi alaturi de ei la aceasta Nunta la Lagoo Snagov, nunta care a iesit minunata.

Daca esti in cautare de un Fotograf de nunta in Bucuresti sau daca iti faci nunta chiar la Lagoo Snagov, imi poti trimite un mail apasand butonul de mai jos!

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Wedding Photography Vlad G Wedding Photography Vlad G

Nunta la Treehouse Garden Lunguletu - Irina & Vlad

Nunta Irinei si a lui Vlad a avut in loc in iulie 2021 la Treehouse Garden Lunguletu, o locatie de nunta excelenta, in aer liber, cu piscina si tot ce trebuie pentru a organiza un eveniment superb pe timp de vara. A fost una dintre cele mai distractive nunti la care am participat. Au avut chiar si o petrecere la piscina […]

Nunta in aer liber Treehouse Garden Lunguletu


Daca ati aruncat un ochi pe website-ul meu, prin postarile de pe blog si al meu portofoliu de fotografie de nunta Bucuresti, probabil ca sunteti familiari cu Irina si Vlad. I-am intalnit in 2019, la un workshop de fotografie de nunta in Grecia, unde au servit ca modele pentru mine si o mana de fotografi de nunta, cu care ne-am plimbat pe mare si de la insula la insula, timp de aproape o saptamana. Am facut cu Irina si Vlad o sedinta foto de logodna pe insula Poros, precum si alte sedinte foto minunate, cum ar fi aceasta sedinta foto de nunta in Hydra.
Daca vreti aflati mai multe despre experienta din Grecia, aici am scris un articol despre 2Creative Workshop.

Cand am participat la workshop-ul din Grecia, Irina si Vlad erau logoditi si planuiau sa se casatoreasca in 2020, dar din pacate, cu cateva luni inainte a venit pandemia de covid care a compromis sezonul de nunti din anul acela, asa ca au fost nevoiti sa reprogrameze nunta pentru anul urmator, in 2021.

Iar asta ne aduce la momentul actual. Nunta lor a avut in sfarsit loc in iulie 2021 la Treehouse Garden Lunguletu, o locatie de nunta excelenta, in aer liber, cu piscina si tot ce trebuie pentru a organiza un eveniment superb pe timp de vara. A fost una dintre cele mai distractive nunti la care am participat. Au avut chiar si o petrecere la piscina!


Fotografie de nunta in Bucuresti

Ziua a inceput cu cununia religioasa, la Biserica Sfantul Ilie Rahova din Bucuresti. Acolo Irinei si lui Vlad li s-au alaturat o parte din invitatii de la nunta, din familiile lor si cativa prieteni. Ceremonia a fost foarte frumoasa si pentru mine personal chiar putin emotionanta pentru ca m-am bucurat foarte tare sa ii vad in sfarsit in ziua nuntii, tinand cont de faptul ca intr-un fel am fost si eu parte din aceasta calatorie a lor de cand i-am cunoscut, in 2019.

Dupa ceremonia religioasa, toata lumea a iesit afara la o vorba in curtea din fata bisericii, unde am si facut cateva fotografii cu mirele si mireasa si familiile si prietenii lor. Cand am terminat toata lumea a plecat spre restaurant.


Fotografie de nunta la Treehouse Garden Lunguletu

Nunta Irinei si a lui Vlad a avut loc la Trehouse Garden Lunguletu, o locatie de nunta superba aproape de Bucuresti, in aer liber, cu terasa si o gradina mare precum si o piscina. Locatia este excelenta pentru o nunta cu petrecere la piscina in zilele fierbinti de vara.


Sedinta foto de nunta la Treehouse Garden Lunguletu

Dupa primirea invitatilor si ceva socializare, i-am luat pe Irina si Vlad deoparte pentru o sedinta foto de nunta in gradina de la Treehouse Lunguletu. Cum era agitatie mare si nu am avut foarte mult timp, am redus timpul pentru sedinta foto de cuplu undeva la numai 15 minute, timp care insa s-a dovedit suficient pentru a creea cateva cadre foarte frumoase cu ei. A ajutat foarte mult si faptul ca avand deja experienta cat cuprinde in fata camerelor foto, Irina si Vlad nu prea au avut nevoie de cine stie ce directie din partea mea. I-am lasat in pace si in principiu doar i-am lasat sa fie ei insisi, asa cum sunt in general: bine-dispusi, glumeti si indragostiti. Ce a iesit puteti vedea mai jos.


Petrecere la piscina - Treehouse Garden


Inainte de nunta, invitatii au fost instruiti sa aduca in bagaje si un costum de baie pentru ca va fi rost de balaceala. Si asa a si fost. Dupa sedinta foto din gradina Treehouse Lunguletu, o parte din invitati, impreuna cu Vlad, au sarit in piscina unde s-au racorit mai bine de o ora.

Important de retinut e ca oriunde ai fi, mereu e loc si timp de sarmale cu mamaliga, deci implicit cateva portii au ajuns chiar la marginea piscinei, unde focile…pardon…baietii din imagine, le-au primit recunoscatori.


Fotograf de nunta Bucuresti


Dupa balaceala, a venit si dansul mirilor, urmat de o petrecere in toata regula la care s-a dansat, s-a ras si toata lumea s-a simtit super. Un lucru pe care l-am observat si apreciat mereu la Irina si Vlad e ca oriunde ar fi, stiu sa se distreze si sa se simta bine impreuna. Si energia lor s-a transmis si cu ocazia asta la toti ceilalti invitati.


Daca ti-a placut ce ai vazut aici si cauti un fotograf de nunta in bucuresti sau imprejurimi, cineva care sa faca fotografie de nunta intr-un stil predominant documentar, surprinzand cele mai frumoase momente din ziua ta, exact asa cum se intampla, atunci..

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Wedding Photography Vlad G Wedding Photography Vlad G

Fethiye Destination Wedding, Turkey

Andrada and Andi got married in beautiful Turkey, where they had the most amazing, intimate Fethiye destination wedding. The wedding was hosted at Sat Restaurant Beach Club, a fantastic wedding venue surrounded by water and amazing views. That's where we also did a fun and romantic beach wedding photoshoot.

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Destination Wedding photography in Fethiye

Destination weddings are always fantastic and this holds true for Andrada and Andi’s wedding as well. They decided to ditch the cold and wet Uk and instead have a wonderful destination wedding in Fethiye, Turkey.

Unfortunately someone who couldn’t be there for the wedding, was their puppy, Salvador, however, he did take part in the amazing Tatton Park Engagement Photoshoot we did earlier in the year. I would’ve loved to see him in a bow tie though!

Their Fethiye destination wedding took place at the end of October, when the weather in the UK was really cold and miserable, so traveling out there where we had constantly 27-28 degrees was fantastic. I had never been to Turkey before, so when Andrada and Andi told me they want me to be their Fethiye Wedding Photographer, I was thrilled! I knew Turkey was a beautiful country, but to be fair I was really impressed when I got to Fethiye, I didn’t expect it to be so beautiful! You can see below why I am saying this, the place was gorgeous.

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Documentary Wedding Photographer in Fethiye, Turkey

The day started with the bridal prep at the stunning Yacht Classic Hotel in Fethiye. Andrada’s bridesmaids and her 2 year old nice who was adorable, helped her get ready for the wedding, while I documented everything. The light coming through a round window in the room was gorgeous and created some beautiful light and shadow patterns when passing through the lace curtains.

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Fethiye Wedding photographer, Turkey

After the reveal and a few photos with the bridesmaids and Andrada’s parents, we headed straight to the reception venue, the beautiful Sat Restaurant Beach Club in Fethiye. Everyone at the venue did a fantastic job and made sure Andrada and Andi get their dream Fethiye Destination Wedding. What also contributed to that was the absolutely amazing views all around the venue, which you can see below. For me as a Fethiye Wedding Photographer it was excellent because I had so much material to work with. Everything was perfect, the table decorations were lovely and they were put together by Andrada herself, and the lighting was superb, especially after the ceremony when the sun was lower in the sky.
The ceremony was very intimate and relaxed and it was officiated by Andi’s good friend, Steve. Andrada’s niece was the most adorable flower girl and Andi’s boys were the ringbearers. Everyone did a fantastic job.

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Destination Wedding Photographer in Fethiye, turkey

After the beautiful ceremony and some food, I took Andrada and Andi away for a little bit and we took some fun and romantic wedding portraits on the beach and on one of the jetties at Sat Restaurant Beach Club in Fethiye. The golden light left nothing untouched as the sun went down and the newlyweds got a few moments alone and away from all the hustle and bustle back at the restaurant. We took a few very romantic and relaxed wedding photos on the jetty, then we went for a stroll along the beach before heading back for the main course.

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Destination wedding Photographer at Sat Restaurant Beach Club, Fethiye

In the evening, after the speeches, everyone let their hair down and partied for a few good hours. The music from the band was great, there was a lot of dancing and everyone had a blast. All along, Andi had planned a surprise for Andrada, so at the end, we all headed down to the beach, where a water taxi was waiting to take them back to the Yacht Classic Hotel where we photographed the bridal prep in the morning. After saying goodbye to everyone, the bride and groom left aboard the water taxi and with a salute from Andi and a fitting ‘Ahoy’ they slowly dissapeared into the night. Great way to end this amazing Fethiye Destination Wedding.

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Dress: WED2B
Rings: H.Samuel
Hair: Istanbul Kuafor Fethiye

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Wedding Photography Vlad G Wedding Photography Vlad G

Oulton Hall Wedding - Sarah and Matt

Sarah and Matt got married at the beautiful Oulton Hall Hotel, near Leeds, which offers stunning gardens, laden with beautiful flowers and a great Georgian mansion hosting large and luxurious wedding rooms. The day went smoothly from start to finish, starting with some documentary wedding photography of Sarah getting ready at her home in Pudsey, then some groom prep at the Calverley Arms Pub, followed by an intimate ceremony at the Pudsey Parish Church. From there everyone headed to Oulton Hall, where after some touching speeches we did a very Romantic Sunset Wedding Photoshoot, in the beautiful Oulton Hall gardens.

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Oulton Hall Wedding Photographer in Leeds, West Yorkshire

This Oulton Hall Wedding was great and it features Sarah and Matt, a lovely couple who decided to have a purple themed wedding, which is Sarah’s favourite colour. She also loves Disney and Friends, the tv show, which I totally agree with, you can’t not love Friends!

I was an Oulton Hall Wedding Photographer on the day, working as a second shooter alongside Rob Harris of RJH Photography, a great guy and talented photographer based in Sheffield.

The day went smoothly, starting in the morning with the bridal prep at Sarah’s house, where Danni’s Hairdressing took care of Sarah’s hair and makeup and gave her a fabulous makeover.

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Once Sarah was ready, it was time for the reveal, so we waited for ther dad to come in and it was such a sweet and emotional moment and Sarah fought really hard trying not to break down in tears as she didn’t want to ruin her makeup. Being a documentary wedding photographer with an unobtrusive approach was key here as the house was pretty small and with a lot of people around, it was important to stay out of the way and try not to interfere, which lead to capturing real moments and emotions.

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Documentary wedding photographer in Pudsey, Leeds

Then I drove to the Calverley Arms Pub, where the guys were getting ready, to catch a bit of the groom preparations. The room they were gettig dressed in was really hot, so they got ready very quickly and by the time I got there, they were pretty much done and couldn’t wait to go outside to get some air.

Matt’s family joined everyone there and after a bit of a chat and some photos, we all headed to the beautiful Pudsey Parish Church, for the ceremony.

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The ceremony at Pudsey Parish Church was very beautiful and intimate. Everyone was emotional, especially Matt who really struggled to hold back his tears when he saw Sarah being walked down the isle by her father.

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After the ceremony, everyone gathered outside the church for a chat and for confetti. With the theme of the wedding being purple, some people incorporated that into their outfits, but NO ONE did it better than this guy, who was an absolute legend!

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Documentary photographer at Oulton Hall Hotel, Leeds

Once we got to Oulton Hall, everyone was hanging out in the beautiful landscaped gardens, having a chat and some drinks. While the wedding room was being prepared, Rob took care of the group photos and once that was done, we all moved inside where the bride and groom were welcomed into the room by the MC. Then we moved on to the speeches. Sarah’s dad went first and his speech was fantastic, which is no surprise given his pretty extensive experience in public speaking. Sarah was touched by his words and once again, she found herself trying to hold back her tears.

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The best man’s speech was also great, and similar to Sarah’s dad, he also managed to bring some people to tears, but in this case, they were tears of laughter, especially this guy below, who was in stitches!! Never seen anyone laugh so hard during a wedding speech, his body was litterally shaking! Probably because he was part of the the story being relayed by the best man, which, without going into too much detail, involved a lot of alcohol, a wild night and waking up NAKED in some barn, in the middle of nowhere! Absolutely wild!

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Romantic Wedding Photography at Oulton Hall in Leeds, West Yorkshire

The gardens at Oulton Hall were wonderful and provided a perfect backdrop which, combined with an absolutely gorgeous sunset, made for a cracking sunset wedding photoshoot at Oulton Hall Hotel. The soft light filled the gardens and created a very tranquil and warm athmosphere in which Sarah and Matt shared a few intimate moments, which for the bride and groom is is always always tricky to find the time for during the wedding day.

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After the photoshoot in the beautiful gardens at Oulton Hall Hotel, Sarah and Matt joined the rest of their guests who, by that point, aided by the magical properties of alcohol, were having a blast, as you can see in the photos below. :)

As the sun set, the bride and groom got ready for their first dance, followed by a full on party, where everyone danced and had a wonderful time.

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If you are getting married and are looking for a Oulton Hall Wedding Photographer, get in touch using the button below!

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Wedding Photography Vlad G Wedding Photography Vlad G

Hydra Island Wedding Photography, Greece

Natural and fun wedding photography on Hydra Island in Greece, featuring Irina and Vlad, some incredible locations and the most amazing soft light during the golden hour, captured up on the platform used by the Hydra Island Sunset Restaurant. What an incredible time we've had doing this Hydra Island Wedding Photoshoot!

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Hydra Island wedding photography Greece

This is one of my favourite wedding photoshoots I have done so far and I don’t know if it was the wonderful landscape on Hydra Island, or the positive and happy energy of Irina & Vlad, but I loved every minute of being there and shooting with them. Irina wore what in my opinion is one of the best wedding dresses in her collection, which you can see on her website, The Last Human.

Both her and Vlad got ready on the boat and the photoshoot started as soon as Irina stepped off the boat with a giant sandwich that was immediately spotted by one of the probably hundreds of cats on the island. That ball of fur was adorable and I couldn’t help myself so I started shooting right away!

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And I am so glad I did, as it led to capturing this lovely image below, which is definitely one that I am really proud of!

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Romantic and fun wedding photography Hydra Island

We started the photoshoot with a little refreshment break (classic) at a local bar next to the port, as it was a really beautiful and hot day and the barman offered Irina and Vlad a free drink when he saw them dressed as bride and groom - so here’s a tip, if you visit Hydra and want a free drink, just put on your wedding day outfit, sit down at the bar and wait. The free drinks will come your way. Make sure to have your favourite Hydra Island Wedding Photographer with you as well! *wink*
That’s me by the way, just in case you didn’t get the hint. I am sure you did, but just in case you didn’t. Okay, I’ll stop now, moving on.

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Hydra Island Wedding Photographer Greece

From the bar we went for a walk around the beautiful stone paved streets around the bay, where Irina and Vlad were turning heads every step of the way. I didn’t mean for that to rhyme, but hey ho. We had people coming up to them to take photos, have a chat or simply congratulate them and some of these people were locals, tourists, some Ukranian blokes from the Ukranian sailing team and even Santa Claus who was on holiday in Greece. Just in case you have been wondering how he spends his time when not making toys.

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After taking loads of beautiful and fun wedding portraits around the port, we slowly made our way up to the Hydra Island Sunset Restaurant which offers fantastic panoramic views of the island as well as over the sea. The name of the place is well earned as over the couple of days we were there, I witnessed some of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen. The golden light filtering down through the tree canopies was incredible that afternoon and this is definitely a dream spot for a Hydra Island Wedding Photographer.

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Wedding Photography Vlad G Wedding Photography Vlad G

Frederiksborg Castle Wedding, Hillerod Denmark

After the intimate and fun ceremony presented in part one of Liz and Tim’s wonderful wedding story, we went to Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerod, to do a romantic and relaxed wedding photoshoot.

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Wedding photography at Frederiksborg Castle, Denmark

This is part two of Liz and Tim’s wonderful wedding, carrying on from part one which was the story of their gorgeous rustic forest wedding, on the shore of beautiful Lake Esrum, in Gribskov Forest.

After their intimate and really fun ceremony was over, we all went to Hillerød, just north of Copenhagen for some beautiful Frederiksborg Castle Wedding Photography.

Frederiksborg Castle was built by King Christian IV in the 17th century and is the largest Renaissance complex in the Nordic region of Denmark. Since 1878 Frederiksborg Castle has been the home of National History Museum, housing over 500 years of Danish History under its roof.

We had a stroll around the beautiful gardens at Frederiksborg Castle and did some fun and relaxed wedding portraits, while also admiring the beautiful views over the lake and also stopping to take photos with a few Chinese tourists who were passing by and were shocked when they heard Liz (who is a polyglot) speaking Mandarin!

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Romantic and fun wedding photography in Hillerod, Denmark

While we didn’t go inside the castle, walking around the outside was fantastic, there are so many beautiful places to stop and take photos, you just can’t run out of ideas! All the beautiful fountains, archways and decorations made it easy to create some natural and fun wedding photography at Frederiksborg Castle.

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Frederiksborg Castle Wedding Photographer

The gardens and the lake are just stunning and they offer some fantastic backdrops for beautiful Frederiksborg Castle wedding photography. We didn’t have a lot of time to cover the whole area, but if you do, I definitely recomend seeing both the Baroque Garden as well as the Romantic, English-style Garden as they are gorgeous.

I couldn’t believe how quickly the weather changes over there and this is something that any Denmark wedding photographer has to work around, but luckily for us, that afternoon stayed dry for the most part, although the sky was covered in some pretty angry looking grey clouds. That helped create cool, moody wedding photos, so I can’t really complain.

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Wedding Photography Vlad G Wedding Photography Vlad G

Stirk House Wedding in Gisburn - Dan and Danielle

A super fun and relaxed Stirk House Hotel Wedding in Gisburn, Lancashire, featuring Dan and Danielle, two beautiful people who have known each other since they were three years old and who have been together since college.

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Fun and relaxed wedding at Stirk House Hotel, Gisburn

Back in September, shortly after photographing Liz and Tim’s amazing forest wedding in Denmark, I went to another beautiful and super fun wedding, this time closer to home, in Gisburn, Clitheroe. On this occasion I went as a second shooter and I worked with the lovely and talented Kathryn Jefferson (Delicious Photography). The venue, which was Stirk House Hotel, is a stunning 17th century residence, built using stonework from the former Sawley Abbey, and it was the only location used for this wedding, hosting everything, from bridal preparations to the party in the evening. It is such a good venue and after this wonderful wedding it has definitely become one of my favourite ones in the North West of England.

The day was fantastic and filled with both laughter and tears of joy, thanks to Dan and Danielle, who are two amazing and relaxed people, childhood sweethearts, who love life and are absolutely amazing together. Everyone had a so much fun and my only regret is how fast the day was over.

Everything went smoothly from start to finish and that was thanks to the absolute legend that is Dave, the manager, a fantastic ex-army guy who makes sure that every wedding at Stirk House goes to plan and on time!

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Wedding photography at Stirk House in Gisburn Lancashire

Right after the ceremony and confetti, we ran off with Dan and Danielle to do a mini portrait photoshoot which was super fun. The mid day sun was shining bright and even with all the challenges presented by the harsh sunlight, the results were gorgeous. To be fair it’s pretty much impossible not to get gorgeous images when you have such wonderful and positive people in front of your lens! The beautiful premises of Stirk House Hotel helped too of course!

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Romantic sunset photoshoot at Stirk House Hotel

We were lucky to get an absolutely cracking sunset that day, so after the touching speeches and some really nice food, we took Dan and Danielle out to a nearby field, for some creative and romantic sunset portraits. The light was nothing short of magical which made for some truly beautiful wedding photos!

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After that we went back inside for the cake, first dance and finally the party! Everyone had a blast at this wonderful wedding, myself included, and I am truly grateful I got the chance to document such a fun and relaxed Stirk House Hotel wedding from start to finish.

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